Chapter : 8
Beyond the Crags
Copyright © 2020 - 2023, by Kyle Aarons. All Rights Reserved.

Published: 11 Oct 2021

The streets of Scorpion Falls were full. Beings of all types scrambled to get supplies. Stores were packed. People were screaming, offering more for limited amounts of goods if they were given entry. Others secured water from wells. Many barricaded windows, doors, and even chimneys. One thing really stood out. Draft animals of all types were led toward the base of all the towers. There, Adga noted, massive stone slabs had been pulled out, away from the ten-meter-tall structures. The animals were led down into sloping passageways. She had seen similar towers in most of the settlements she had been out to. It made her wonder if they all had hidden passages.

The caravan made its way through the throngs, aided greatly by the royal guards. Saban’s booming voice commanding everyone to clear a path for them assisted as well. As they approached the central market, Saban pointed to a fenced in set of four buildings. “There is the hiring hall. You have until the first blood tendrils arch over the ridge to sell goods if you wish. Do so out of your wagons. There will be no time to pack. Once you see the first tendrils, the main bell will ring. Get your mounts and wagons into the under city, stall them and your wagons. There is food and water along with a small crew of workers to handle animal care for the next several days. I do not recommend any stay with the wagons. It will become a miserable place of horrible smells, angry animals, bugs, and nasty water. Let my workers guard, protect, and tend to the beasts. Get inside the main hiring hall.” He pointed to the largest building in the complex. “As soon as the first tendril slams into the town, counterweights will drop inside the towers. The passages to undercity will close. All doors to buildings will be barricaded from within. Those left outside will be on their own. Most of them will have to be taken down as undead after the storm.”

Saban turned to Adga. “Your patrol will also stay in the hiring hall.” He pointed to a youthful Dwarf next to the standard bearer. “Rebklos, my youngest nephew, will stay with you and make sure everyone knows you have full patrol leader authority while you are here. I look to you to make sure his relay of my orders is followed. This will also be his first rite.” He paused and glanced over to the boy. “Unless he would prefer to join the Scorpion Falls guard and have to live in the barracks as a low recruit with no protections for his first rite… or outright refuses his rite?”

The young Dwarf gulped but shook his head. “Count Kandahar, I would prefer to go with the huge patrol leader than be put in the city guard!”

“Wise choice.” Saban snickered as he turned his attention back to Adga. “Therefore, until the emergency is over, you are to treat Rebklos and another young lord I will find to join him the same as the other two young nobles. I will get them their Rite of Noblehood gear. They, like Nuk-lem and Son-tez only get basic guardsman rights and are under your command for the duration of your stay.”

Adga frowned.

Saban hardened. “I realize this may cause some cohesion problems. However, I feel you and Scorpion Falls will benefit from you commanding a larger patrol with members who know the city. After all, you are all young and weeks of fighting the returning dead, going on long patrols, and escorting caravans will take a toll. This way, you can rotate and rest a patrol member or allow recuperation from injuries while still having numbers to complete your daily duties.

“This does not mean I am advising preferential treatment for any of the young nobles. Furthermore, there is no expectation to treat my nephew or the other young noble I find to join him the same as those already in your squad. They will have to prove to you they are worth more than the most basic of rights.”

Adga nodded. There was nothing she could do about getting two more added to her patrol, no matter how much she didn’t want them. Instead, she eyed the sloping passage down under the hiring hall complex with a deep desire to explore. It had to be old. Was it part of the remnants of the ancient city? Did it date back thousands of years to the Dragon Wars? Maybe before, to the Mythling Wars? Who built it? How? She had a burning desire to find out more. It would have to wait. She focused on Tez, “You’re hurt. Ven is still recovering as well. You two secure us a place in the hiring hall and guard our gear. Try to get us one of the big rooms. Rin and I will grab the rest of our bandit loot, bring it in, and lay it out for us to go through during the storm. Vyrax, Nuk-lem, you two get all our gear off our mounts and into the hall. Once done, help guard the caravan. I spotted a few pouch-snaggers in the packed streets.”

“Feel free to catch a few.” Saban snarled. “Beat them down, but not to the point where they can’t work. Keep them secure in the bounty cells in the basement of the hiring hall until after the storm! I will grant you full thief bounty plus five kilos of smoked rations for each you catch. They will pay me back over the next several weeks behind shovels!”

“Really?” Adga grunted.

“Yes! You doubt my word?”

“No, Lord Kandahar! Just surprised…” Adga grunted. “Change of plans guys! You heard Count Kandahar. I’m not looking forward to raw scorpion, so let’s catch some thieves before we get things organized.”

Before she was done speaking, Adga noted Tez was all for this. He pulled his fighting staff and poked Nuk. He nodded and gestured with his staff. Suddenly, Nuk’s skimmer sidestepped, lowered its head and slammed into a boy dressed in little more than rags. The kid howled as he was launched into the side of a nearby building and crumpled to the ground.

A group of four others all turned with wide eyes. A pouch with cut strings dangled in one hand of one of the kids. A small knife was clutched in the hand of another.

Vyrax pulled a vial out of his cloak and tossed it. It hit the cobblestone street in front of the kids with seemingly no effect.

The kid with the pouch turned and took two running steps. The boy took a couple of slower steps, shook his head and stumbled. Suddenly he staggered and fell. He hit the ground hard. He tried to get up only to fall flat on his face. His feet, arms and hands went in all directions, yet he couldn’t gain a hand or foothold. The other three all behaved similarly. Although one of the urchins, a girl, managed to stay on her feet. A few bystanders close to where the vial broke also staggered away. A couple had to go down to a knee. It reminded Adga of those she found on the streets outside of inns back in the Spires after a long night of drinking.

Nuk glanced over at Vyrax, “One of Sir Lenti’s potions?”

“Nope. One of mine. Dad doesn’t even know it! But needs more work. It doesn’t work on females as well as males and it doesn’t last very long…”

“Impressive just as they are!” Saban boomed as he jumped off his skimmer, popped the girl in the mouth, knocking her out and gave the three boys powerful kicks in their sides to keep them down. “I’d pay well to outfit my guard patrols with a few of those!”

On the other side, Tez slammed his staff across the back of an older teen girl with a nice tan sun cloak. She crashed into the cobblestone face first. A pair of pouches rolled out from under her. He smirked, as he pushed down on the head of his skimmer, so it lowered on top of the pilferer, trapping her. “There’s six.”

Tez pointed with his staff as Saban’s guards jumped off skimmers and grabbed the kids. “Look on the inside of her cloak. There is a brown pouch with cut stings. It belongs to the man with the two weird blades crossed over this back. No idea where the other two came from.”

Adga ignored the aftermath. Instead, she scanned the street. Most of the crowd watched. Some backed well away to get clear of the heavily armed noble patrol. A few, however, tried to vanish into the masses. A few boldly used the events as a distraction. A handful more pouches vanished from belts.

Adga jumped down while strapping her shield to her arm. “Ven, two urchins, light brown cloaks! Left of the stables! Tez, Vyrax other side of the well, three of them, middle one red hair! Rin, with me!”

Ven angled her skimmer straight at the two. As they turned to run, she nudged her Spider Lizard, “Razor,” she pointed, “get runners! No kill! No kill!”

Razor bounded off the skimmer. A four-meter leap propelled it onto the back of the furthest pickpocket. The figure skidded across the street with a shriek. The high pitch left little doubt it was a girl.

Adga glanced over as the other kid fell, jumped back up and tried to run only to find Vendra, newly captured cutlass in hand, wagging her finger. Adga smiled as she heard Ven bark out, “Razor’s hungry and really likes Halflings. Especially boys! Drop the knife, pouch, and go to your knees or I’ll let him take a bite of you!”

On que, Razor hissed, reared up, and slammed a front claw into the leg of the girl it was on top of. Another high-pitched scream cascaded over the area. The Halfling boy fell to his knees trembling like a leaf as Razor started to circle him.

Satisfied, Adga sprinted toward the wall of onlookers, “Mooove! Get your asses out of the way ‘er get run over!”

While most jumped and others were pulled clear, Adga shield bashed one and shoulder launched another to make a path. Behind her she heard Rin. “Get out a me way!” A squeal followed.

As she rounded the fence behind the empty stables. An Elvin youngster in heavy reinforced chain armor shouted out an alert. The Elf’s left hand brought up a longbow. His right hand reached over his back to a quiver of arrows. At the same time, a group of eight sackcloth-dressed street kids scattered from around a merchant cart. Adga managed to grab one and tossed him into a second as they went by. Both went down in a tangle of arms, legs and howls of pain.

Two more well-armored and armed thugs moved to intercept, even as a city guardsman looked over with confusion.

“Thieves!” Adga shouted. “Secure them! I’ve got these three!”

The guard and his buddy grabbed the two urchins. One spoke to the other, “I didn’t know we had a Colossus in the guard!”

“Illorc! I’m a Illorc!” Adga snarled as she advanced on the armed and armored guards protecting the wagon and the fat woman manning it.

A heavy-set woman looked up from the cart, as those around her dispersed into the crowded and panic-filled streets. “Stop her!” she shouted. A moment later an arrow launched toward Adga.

The arrow bounced off Adga’s shield. Another fired from off to the side sailed wide. A howl came from behind her. Moments later the shout of a boy, “Dad!” Adga’s eyes narrowed. She shouted, “Rin, stop the other bowman!” Two more arrows. One stuck into one of the rings of her armor without doing damage, the other hit the stone street next to her with a loud snap. The crowded streets become even more confused as those closest to the altercation tried to run. People were knocked over, some trampled. Tempers flared. Fists were thrown. A few brawls broke out. At least one cart overturned. Mothers called out to children; kids screamed.

The two Elvin bowmen were too close to draw and aim. Their snapshots missed badly. Another shout of pain from behind. A woman, judging by the pitch. The directive not to kill made this tougher. Adga pulled the mace captured from Foelay.

As she closed on the cart, the young-looking Elvin bowman pulled a pickaxe off his belt and swung.

Adga sidestepped. The youngster missed. His wild swing took him past her. It created an opening. She turned her shield arm and slashed. The edge of the disk crashed into the Elf’s back. The heavy armor protected him from much of the hit, but not the aftermath. Already off balance, he stumbled and went down face first. A few sparks shot outward from metal armor as he skidded across cobblestone. She moved up to finish the job.

A woman interceded, hip sword in hand. One of Saban’s guards moved to intercept. “This is my loot!” Adga shouted at him as she stomped on the back of the bowman’s helm-protected head and drove it down hard onto the street. The helmet dented.

Saban’s voice came from somewhere behind the guard, “Leave this to her! She wants her patrol to have bounty, so be it. Besides, with everything we have heard, I want to see her fight!”

Adga leered. Time to prove the new guardsman pin wasn’t for show. She went down to a knee. Her elbow smashed down onto the back of the bowman’s helm. The body jerked. Satisfied he wouldn’t be a threat for a bit, she brought up her shield. The hip sword of the woman skipped off the top.

Adga used arm strength to sweep at the feet in front of her with the mace. The attacker jumped. The shield in Adga’s other hand shot forward. The edge caught both shins. Its sharp edge cut through the leather chaps and into the skin and bone behind them. The body slammed down onto the disk. Adga gritted her teeth and brought the shield and body up. With an arm twist, she propelled the normally defensive implement with the woman still on it onto the street with a sidearm slam. The body hit the street followed by the shield. A gasp of pain followed.

The woman’s arms clutched her stomach trying to take in breaths while both shins bled from being cut by the combat-edged shield. Pure malice clouded Adga’s eyes. She let the mace go. Her hand grabbed for the attacker’s left boot while the edge of her shield impacted over both hands clutching the gut area. Defenseless, the boot was easy to pull off.

Adga snapped off the arrow hanging off her armor. She pinned the barefooted leg with her shield arm and drove the broken shaft of the arrow into the ankle with enough force to put it all the way through. She grabbed the mace, drove the handle into the thug’s stomach to stop the shrieks, and started to stand.

A flash of sun on metal caught the corner of her left eye. Instinct caused the mace to come up. A loud clang of metal on metal followed.

A Human teen looked surprised. His blue eyes went wide as Adga stood to her full height. He tried to jump back.

The shock and fear were the only delays needed. Adga grabbed the top of the kid’s shield. Her hand pushed it down. She smirked at the ease. The boy’s skinny arms were no match for her. Since his shield was held and strapped to his arm, she pulled. The kid stumbled toward her. With the mace still clenched in her gauntleted hand, she formed a fist and swung. The weight of the mace added to the power. Upper and lower lips split. The kid’s knees wobbled. She yanked the older teen toward her again. Another fist. The nose flattened. His blade clattered on the cobblestone. His legs went out from under him. She pulled a third time, this time upwards, yanking him back to his feet. Blood splattered across her chest and legs from the next impact. She finally let go but brought her knee up as he collapsed. Chin hit metal. Head snapped back. The thug landed in a bloody heap.

The Elvin bowman was up on his hands and knees shaking his head. Adga stepped back. She delivered a sidearm shot with the mace onto his back. He slammed back into the street with a yelp.

Without warning, the fat woman at the cart extended her hand. A piercing wave of sound slammed into Adga. The intensity knocked her down to a knee. Blood seeped out of her ears, nose and even the corners of her eyes. Her head pounded. Ears rang so loudly she could hear nothing else. Rage filled her. She roared although she couldn’t hear herself do so. Both hands clenched tightly into fists. She did something only Warrior Adepts could, she pushed some of her magical energies into her strength.

The mace fell out of her hand. She reached back, grabbed the leg of the heavily armored bowman and stood.

The fat woman’s jaw dropped. Her hand extended a second time. Four glowing darts sprayed outward. Two hit the held bowman. One hit Adga’s shoulder and caused her to spin slightly to the side. The last went wide. A figure to Adga’s right dropped.

The woman took a step forward and started another spell.

Adga swung the bowman. The metal armor caught on her two-tone sun cloak in several spots, shredding it. Chain links and metal plates caused dozens of scratches and a few cuts. The force knocked the woman back into her cart.

The woman’s eyes went wide as the bowman headed for her again. She quick cast. A sheen of purple energy surrounded her. She held up her arm to protect herself.

The body slammed into her again moments later. The spell protected her to a large degree, but the attack was simply too vicious. Magical energy crumpled inward at the impact point. Her arm snapped. She clutched her arm into her stomach and tried to step clear of the cart. It was too late.

Adga swung the bowman again. The helpless figure knocked the fat woman back into the cart. She swung again. Wood shattered. Again. The spokes of the wheel broke. The whole cart leaned toward her. The woman was in it, shoulder and good arm raised to protect her face. The armored figure slammed into the cart again. Bits of wood flew off it. A few pots broke. Items started to fall into the street. It took six more smashes before Adga could hear anything. By this time the whole cart was in ruins, goods flew upward along with blood from both the bowman and woman. Four more. The gauntlets of the bowman were gone, mangled fingers bled badly and sent droplets in a wide arc with each swing. The quiver of arrows and small pack were shredded. Every arrow left in the quiver was reduced to splinters. They scattered across cobblestone as he was repeatedly swung. Most of the bronze reinforcing plates on the armor meant to protect him were dented. A few ripped loose. They flew in various directions. The cart finally collapsed, spilling what was left into Adga.

Some veneer of sanity returned. She tossed the young bowman off to the side. More sparks shot off of what was left of the armor as the body skidded across the rough street. Anger was still very real. She moved up and threw a wild fist into what was left of the spell caster. Yet again her fist slammed into flesh. The gauntlet went in deep through the skin. Dead eyes stared back at her. She punched the face, caving it in. She backed off breathing hard. Everywhere she looked people jumped back, including Saban. She used her cloak to wipe blood off her face, some hers, most not.

She closed her eyes. It let her regain control of her breathing and allowed her to release the magical Force augmenting her strength. Her eyes finally took in what she had done. She gulped, cringed. With a shake of her head, she used the palm of her hand to hit the side of her head trying to clear some of the ringing. It didn’t help.

A long snarl escaped her. She spotted something on the street. She reached down and grabbed it. A broken pot of sweet sticks. She snagged a couple of mostly intact tree sap sticks drizzled with honey then dried to be rock hard. Adga blew and shook them off, then stuck them in her mouth. With them in her teeth she broke off the ends since she got blood on the ends where her hand was holding them. The bloody bits were discarded off to the side. She glanced over at Saban while forcing a silly lopsided grin, exposing one tusk while mostly covering the other. The two sweet sticks pointed out of her mouth. “Don’t think the last two will help you on street shoveling… Sorry my Lord.”

Saban’s hand went from the top of his head all the way down to the end of his long beard. “No… no apology, Patrol Leader… none needed… Um… full bounty and spoils are yours. I’ll pass on taking anything… including what is left of the cart… Just do me and all of Scorpion Falls a favor and let us know if we are doing something to make you angry. I am not sure our people, nor streets and buildings, can take too much more of what we just witnessed.”

Behind Saban and his men, Vyrax pushed a redheaded boy down to his knees next to shiny-brass-color-haired young Halfelf. Vyrax sported a couple of cuts on his left arm and a bloody lip. Despite this, he grinned and gave Tez a shove. He pointed to what was left of the woman in the cart. “Now there is a gunching!”

Next to the stable’s fence, Rin dropped the other bowman, face blistered and no hair left on the right side of her face from where he had breathed on her. “Yup, der be a real gunch!”

Nuk kept his foot on the back of another street urchin and looked over to Rin, “Ok… now I get it! Geesh!”

Adga wasn’t sure what else was said but caught the gist of several other comments. Everyone was talking about her. She rolled her eyes. There was nothing she could say to put herself in a better light, so she didn’t even bother to try. “My Lord, permission to question one of these pickpockets?”

“If it will help sate your anger,” Saban managed to chuckle, “be my guest, Patrol Leader.”

She made her way up to the redheaded boy. A bloody gauntleted hand grabbed him by the chin and lifted him up. She looked at the already swollen shut left eye, and noted the kid had to put most of his weight on his left leg. He couldn’t do much since his hands were secured behind his back. Tears spilled from his eyes. “Cryin’ ain’t going to help you. You’re a thief. No pleading or tears is going to prevent you from serious punishment. If you beg for any kind of forgiveness, I’ll add to your welts. However, because my patrol mate is looking at you with sad eyes, Vendra must think you’re cute. For her, not you, I might be inclined to ask for some mercy. All you need to do is give me some information. Count Saban Kandahar has offered my patrol a food and coin bounty on all thieves. I want those dried rations, so I’m only going to ask you nicely once. Where’d the others go?”

The kid shook his head.

“Wrong answer.” She lifted the boy off the ground, getting a squeal, but he couldn’t talk since he was being held by his chin. He kicked and struggled. This got him a fist in the gut.

Adga walked over to a skimmer water trough. With no remorse, she lifted him high into the air and slammed him down into it. A strong arm held him under the water. He kicked and struggled wildly. At the same time the water took on a red tinge as much of the blood on Adga’s gauntlet was washed off. After several seconds she yanked him all the way out. She slammed him down into the water again. Three more times, each time she held him down longer than the prior. Finally, she pulled him out and held him up above her head. Her other hand moved under his groin. Her hand hit the tender spot hard enough to get a hiss of pain. “Ven likes you too much to do what I am about to do. I also said I wasn’t going to ask again. So answer or…” her hand came up again.

She lowered the kid who would have crumpled to the ground had she not grabbed him by the front of his shirt.

The brass-haired Halfelf lad spoke up. “The Twisted Spoon gots a door behind it. It ain’t used none. It gots a small deep cellar. Leaks. Scorpions get in, few snakes, twin tails, and four-fang lizards too…”

The red-head kid coughed; tried to get the other boy to stop talking. This got him a vicious shake and a twist of his ear hard enough to have him squeal. Even as he begged for Adga to stop, the other kid spoke up again. “The cellar gots a heavy wood door and metal grate. It pull out and up, tunnel lead ta bunch a stone rooms. Wood all rot and gone, but no snake, scorpion, lizard. Big spiders and Twin Tails be big problem. Us kill lots… There be a back way inta the place at the Broodin’ Beds… be where them put the animal when wind get real bad. There be a hidden door with ladder down on the south wall. Push on da chipped brick and twist the torch holder. He’s hurt! Please stop.”

Adga let go of the ear, “He a friend of yours?”

The Halfelf nodded, “And cousin. Like me, half Highman…”

“How many are down there?”

The red-head spoke, defeat obvious by his tone, “Maybe fifteen still down… give or take… many more of us up here… depends on how many try to go back there. Bet most won’t.”

“How skilled are they?”

The Halfelf answered. “Lots of us be Training Echelon. A few Mundanes, brothers or sisters of those who ain’t. A few be fully guilded. Three be real good… And a there’s a few more adults left. They’s guilded… and real mean. Only a few leaders be up here.”

The redhead spoke again. “Me twin brother’s down there. Him’s sick. Got bit by a Four-fanger. Our Healthman gots the goo out, but him still hot ta the touch.”

Adga turned to look at Saban, “My Lord, can I use these two hooligans to get our gear in, clean it and…”

Saban held up a hand cutting Adga off. “It seems you have discovered a large, organized band of pilfering urchins and their leadership, Patrol Leader. As long as your patrol cleans out the den of scoundrels in my city, they are yours to do what you wish. I gift them to you instead of my offered bounty on them. You can even have the twin brother if you can secure him in time and get him an aid or toxin-slayer potion.” He motioned for his Mystic to hand her four vials of grey colored liquid. Vyrax grabbed them before Saban continued. “However, as soon as the storm breaks, they will shovel from first light till dark until you leave. You will fully provide for them and, unless you want them eating raw scorpion meat, feed them as well.”

“They eat and drink what is available to those shoveling.”

“Then they are yours. Now you and several members of your patrol are injured. There isn’t much time…”

“A headache, a few scratches, and a nasty poke into my shoulder, my Lord. Nothing I cannot deal with.”

Saban looked up, craning his neck well back so he could look up into Adga’s eyes. “Are you half Colossus, by chance?”

“No, my Lord.” Adga snickered. “Both my mother and father were among the smallest Illorcs in our village, which had a large Illorc population. But honestly, I would wonder the same, even with this, except my sister looks almost exactly like me, other than being small for an Illorc. My brother is also well below the normal size of a human equivalent eleven-year-old Illorc. Even when I was very young, many in the village joked about either my mom or dad having Colossus blood in their lineage.”

“Regardless of lineage, you are a massive specimen who can take and dish out a pounding on the level with any Colossus warrior!” Saban stated in clear praise. “Still, I want all of you patched by a Healthman, or preferably healed by a Channeler. Mostly street urchins or not, a fight in a thieves’ nest is nothing to take lightly. I will also send two guards since most in your patrol have some injuries.”

While a Channeler moved up and said a prayer to Quati, god of the night sky, and pushed hands surrounded by waves of darkness with sparkles of light onto Adga, Saban took several steps back. “For the record, I have taken down Colossus scouts smaller than you, Patrol Leader. While amazing, from here on, I need you to stand back a few paces when we talk so I do not injure my neck striving to look up at you!”

Adga took a few steps back, “My Lord, you are not the first to have such a request. I will make sure to keep a distance. Now with your permission, we have more bounties to collect.”

Saban gave a hard nod, “It is not often I look forward to depleting my coffers, however, this is one of those times. Good luck, Patrol Leader.”

While Adga gave a bow, Vyrax dug into his pack and grabbed the box Lenti had given him. He pulled a half-dozen vials out of his cloak and stuck in different ones. The other potions went back into the box and he closed and locked it. “If I’m right about what these do, this shouldn’t take long.”

Vendra looked over, “What are those?”

Vyrax grinned. “A few special Sir Lenti Avery potions. I have how to make them, but I’ll need to be Secondary Echelon before I can attempt two of them, and Teaching for the last one… Um, I’ll need to go first.”

“All you.” Adga stated following the healing of all but a few scratches. The ringing in her ears, however, remained. She wiggled a finger in each to no effect. The look on the Channeler’s face told her the woman expected a better healing effect. Adga bet the lack of results had something to do with Sir Lenti’s potion. She waved off a Healthman. “I’m fine.”

Adga focused on her group. “We should split up. If we all go one direction, they can flee out the other side.”

Saban shook his head. “Not a good idea, Patrol Leader. The establishments are a couple of blocks apart. Two of my royal guards will take you to the stables. I will have a few city guardsmen stand outside the Twisted Spoon. I will give you half spoils on any they capture.”

Fonklob took a deep breath. “We’ll go with you. The market here is too chaotic to sell out of wagons. We can sell close to wherever you are going. My wagons can also load up those you capture, and we can help guard them.”

Saban nodded hard. “Excellent idea!”

Adga held her tongue. In her mind, Saban was trying to get out of a deal he had already made. Had they not stocked up on food in Avery lands, she would have pushed the issue. She also realized she would be under the Dwarf for at least the next few moons and wanted to stay on his good side. “My Lord, instead of your guards, how about your nephew and whoever will be with him take us there? I’d like to see them fight…”

Saban’s eyebrows went up. “Not sure you will want them until you work them into your patrol, but they are now yours.”

“Trial by fire.” Adga smirked. “It’s how I took down my first dead walkers… It is the best way according to Burntmetal.”

“Humf!” Saban grunted. “So you personally train with one of the finest combat instructors in the Combined Desert Realm… Explains a great deal!” He took a deep breath. “Very well. However, Rebklos is not equipped for his rite. I will have a couple of city guard take charge of your two.” He pointed down at the boys. “They will stow your belongings including everything off the rest of the pilferers your patrol seized on one of the caravan wagons. My people will also guard them and your belongings while you take care of one of my pickpocket problems. Taglon,” he pointed to one of the other men with him, “will get you over to the Braided Hammock. It is across the street from the Brooding Beds. This will give you a chance to scrutinize the area.

“It will not take long to get Rebklos and another outfitted. The gear for most Rites of Noblehood is already assembled. I know Rebklos’ is. With news of the Dead Storm, the others should be receiving their rite gear. They will meet you at the Braided Hammock… Just do yourselves a big favor and stay clear of the common room and the food. It is a cesspool, notorious for shady deals, brutal brawls, blood sport, maggots in meals, and Blood Roach bites on those too poor to pay the extra tin coins for a hammock and unable to stay anywhere else.”

Rin smirked. “Bet it no gooder den da Ragged Cot off da Ssssquatter Market by da north wall, Ad.”

“Every major town and city has at least one,” Adga sighed. “Come on, let’s go. But we ain’t going into no skullduggery bar. Son-tez and Nuk-lem ain’t ready for the types who will be inside.”

“Bet they will be by the time we head home,” Vyrax snickered.

“Oh, dem be! Gar’n-tee it!” Rin smiled wide.

Saban’s voice came from behind them, “I’m quite sure all four young lords will find the time they spend with you very eye-opening. Good luck, Patrol Leader.”

Adga followed Taglon through the streets with Vendra and Razor right next to her. The further they got from the central market, the more open the streets became. Only store fronts were busy. Otherwise, very few were out. Many who were, angled toward large buildings with Kandahar flags flying over them and torches with red smoke pouring off them up on the corners. The north side of the Spires had similar buildings. Once red smoke rolled off them, they were shelters of last resort for dregs. Ex-slaves, squatters, beggars, cripples, street urchins, and even wanted criminals. None were turned away. Known criminals who made it to the buildings were left alone until one sandglass after the doors were opened for people to leave. Guards kept the peace forcefully if needed, but once the torches were lit for sand or monsoonal storms, the places were sanctuary. She had helped guard one once. It became packed to the point of stupidity. It got hot from too many bodies in too small a spot. Food and water were rationed. Chamber pots were full within a few sandglass turns. The stench of unwashed bodies, bodily waste, and sweat from the oppressive heat made the day and a half one of the most miserable memories, ranking only behind her village being attacked and her getting captured.

The thought of people having to spend several days in such a place made her shudder. She turned her focus elsewhere. Behind her, she could tell Nuk and Tez were talking to Vyrax, Ven, and Rin, but the ringing in her head made overhearing what was being discussed impossible. The few times she glanced back, the two nobles closed their mouths. However, the look on Vyrax’s face told her he wasn’t happy.

Her apprehension was pushed aside as a horrendous smell hit her. The stench was pretty much the same no matter where she went. She was getting close to what was a commonality between all large settlements. A disgusting establishment that preyed on the poor. The nauseating reek of spoiled meat being cooked, overcooked to the point of burning, permeated the air. They had to be getting close to the inn Saban had told them about. The worst part was she already knew the place would be busy. The dirt poor who needed shelter or food yet had enough coin to stay out of the sanctuary buildings, would be there. Those poor souls would seek a bed and sustenance regardless of what it was. They would come in numbers.

Behind her group, Fonklob turned his caravan away from her and angled over to a community well. Adga looked over her shoulder and spoke to a couple city guards, “Keep an eye on our skimmers and their packs! Also, don’t block access to the water! Those who haven’t done so will need to grab enough for a few days!”

One of the city guards gave a raised fist of understanding.

Turning the corner, she sighed. People were massed at the door. A pair of Halforcs and a Copper Dragonling stood at the door keeping a tolerable level of peace. Other guards stood at the entrance to the inn with the secret underground entrance. While those trying to get in looked better off, it was strictly relative. A Bronze Dragonling at the main door took coins while a Hawkling used a piece of charred wood to mark off available beds. There weren’t many left.

A few others, well-armed and very unsavory in looks, moved through the gaggle between the two inns. They checked to see if those wanting to gain entry had some coin. Those who didn’t were escorted to the edge of the mass and shoved unceremoniously back. Most ended up on their backsides in the street. Adga spotted one of the ‘guards’ pulling hard on the arm of a girl and woman. Adga made a single step toward him and clenched her gauntleted fist. It was all it took. The brute lightly pushed the two back. He held up both hands.

Adga flipped the woman a pair of silver coins and tossed a third to the man. She glared at the ‘guard’. “Get them in, find both a hammock, a safe place to put them, and get them enough to survive the next few days or I’ll come looking for you!”

The silver disappeared into a pouch hidden under his britches even as he gulped, nodded, and motioned for the woman and girl to follow him.

“Thought so,” Adga muttered. She moved up to a fit-looking Wolfling with a freed slave brand on his shoulder who had been tossed back. She offered him a hand up. “If you help get everyone who gets refused entry to the sanctuary three blocks down, I’ve got a few silver for you.”

The Wolfling eagerly nodded.

Adga underhanded a quartet of coins and shouted, “I’ll remember what you look like. Don’t cross me!”

The guy shook his head fiercely.

Adga yelled out. “The Wolfling will get all who cannot get in here to a sanctuary! Listen to him!”

Saban’s guard glanced over, “Patrol Leader, you are making yourself stick out…”

“Which is the last thing any thieves from the nearby guild would expect if we were here for them,” Adga countered. She then shouted, “You only have a couple of turns of a sandglass to get to shelter! Don’t waste too much time here!” She turned to face those in the patrol. She kept her voice strong and loud. “Ven’s with me. The rest of you pair off and check nearby alleys. We don’t want a single person left outside! Remember, we arrest any who refuse to go to a sanctuary! I’ll whistle when it is time to move to the next section!”

Taglon smirked, “And a loudly announced sweep with threat of arrest will make any who are on lookout seek shelter in their hidey-holes.”

“Such is my hope. Now, if you don’t mind, shout and complain about the smell to make it look like we are under your orders and you want to get out of here.”

“With pleasure.”

Adga used head jerks to dispatch the others to the areas away from where they were told the secret entrance was. The whole time Saban’s guard shouted for them to move faster. His tone changed suddenly. “Couple of young lords coming, Patrol Leader!”

Adga came out of a back alley and stared as the young one Saban had with him and a Human-looking girl approached with a pair of regular city guards. Her heart sank. The Dwarven boy had on fancy hefty Dwarven Blue Steel scale mail armor and a heavily decorated Dwarven Steel shield on his left arm. A short sword on his right side came with an opaque gem on the hilt while a mace hanging off the other side of his weapon belt had what looked to be a smoky quartz handle. He had four waterskins with leather embellishments over his neck. Two hung down on each side of his chest.

As they made their way around the central well, Adga saw even more. The Dwarf’s pack had at least six pockets with leather straps to keep them closed. Each buckle looked to be polished bronze. The pack itself was overstuffed to the point where cloth items bulged out. A bedroll was strapped to the top, a light crossbow hung off the left side and a quiver of bolts bounced around on the right side.

The Human-looking girl was next to him. She had even heavier Dwarven Steel reinforced chain armor. The plates were engraved with birds. The Dwarven Blue Steel shield on her right arm had a winged creature inscribed into the front. Her broadsword poked up over her back. It barely cleared the top of her bedroll. The pack had items poking out of every pouch and a hunk of clothing hung out the right side top. The blade had the same kind of gem as the Dwarf’s. A heavy morningstar worn low on her left side was Dwarven Blue Steel and held a pair of yellow gemstones embedded into the lower shaft. The rest of her was rounded out with what looked to be duplicate waterskins, crossbow, and pack as the boy. Both were breathing heavily. Everything they wore shouted, ‘I’m rich!’ while being so obviously overloaded screamed, “I’m stupid!”

Vendra stood next to her and blinked, “Um… Ad?”


“What are the chances of the girl being able to reach up and pull the blade over her back?”

“None.” Taglon stated softly. “Absolutely no chance.”

Adga smirked, “The Kandahar won’t be able to get to his mace, crossbow, or bolts if his life depended on it.” She glanced over to Taglon. “Just to make sure… I can pretty much order them to do whatever I want, right?”

“The moment they put on the armor and weapons set aside for their rite they lost all class advantage. You are their commander, so short of doing something that would kill them on purpose or flagrant disregard for their health, yes. Why?”

Adga rubbed her hands together. “Cause I can use them just the way they are…” She glanced over at Vendra. “Slide over to where we were told the hidden entrance is and get ready to open it. You’ll know when.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Me?” Adga smirked. “I think it’s time to have some fun.”

“Oh, by Zeris’ light… Remember, Ad, once this is over, they will be lords and will remember…”

Adga rubbed her chin in thought. “Got ‘a do something or they won’t make it to the storm, let alone help after…” Her gaze fell on Nuk and Tez. She snapped her fingers as the perfect solution came to her. She yelled out, “Guys, hold up on sweeping the next alley. We need to greet the new patrol members.”

She spoke softly to Rin and Vyrax as she moved toward the two nobles. “Up in the loft and under the steps to the inn…”

Vyrax kept his eyes on the struggling nobles, “We saw them. But Ad, there’s no way those two nobles are…”

“One step the wrong direction of being morons. But they’ll make a great distraction for the two of you. Wait till the show starts, then take them down.”

“No prob,” Rin grunted.

“Remember, we’d like the bounty on them, so they need to be able to shovel. But if it is between them scooping sand into a wagon or alerting the guards… do a hard takedown. We need to hit the thief den before they know we’re coming.”

“Better to lose two and bag ten.” Vyrax stated.

“Exactly, but twelve is better.” She waved Tez and Nuk over. “You two, get ready to play this up.”

“Play what up?” Nuk asked.

Tez nodded in the direction of the two nobles. “Whatever it is involves those two… Adga, it does not look like either have been out in the desert on patrol or had to fight… not carrying…”

“I know. All of us do. So let’s make this lesson a good one, but hard. Very hard…”

Nuk’s eyes went wide and he smiled, “Oh, this sounds like fun!”

Tez nodded in eager agreement.

Both boys fell in step behind Adga. She moved straight up to the pair, ignoring their adult city guards. “So I’m stuck with you two dregs, huh?”

The young Dwarf looked up with a deep frown, “Do you know who I am?!?”

“You are a provisional guard, and she is a patrol leader, your patrol leader!” Tez snapped. “We’re all dregs until we prove we are not!”


Taglon spoke up, “Young Lord Rebklos Kandahar, did I not hear you accept the Rite of Noblehood, knowing full well this would be your assignment?”

“Yes… but…”

“But what?” Tez spoke. “You try to use your caste over her, or refuse any order, she has every right to pound you into a puddle!”

“You were by the Hiring Hall,” Nuk joined in. “Sound Blast is a Secondary Echelon Mage spell! So you know she is quite capable of reducing a Mage of at least Secondary Echelon to go with a fully armored Swordsman as the weapon. Therefore, I am certain she could do far worse to you.” Nuk smirked as the Dwarf gulped and tightly closed his mouth. He turned to look at the girl, “I gather you have accepted joining us as your first rite as well?”

The young lady took a few deep breaths. It was hard to tell if they were to calm nerves or from the trek across town with such a massive load. There was no question she was taken aback by Adga’s size, as she did what she could to keep her distance. Finally, she spoke. “Yes. I have agreed to my Rite of Noblehood, to be placed under the gargantuan Illorc patrol leader for the duration of the Blood Storm, its aftermath, and until the Count Kandahar declares roads open to his satisfaction. Count Kandahar made us first go to the market, so I have seen what she did. I will do as directed!”

“Good!” Adga barked out. “But you have done nothing to prove you are combat capable. Nuk and Tez did on their way down here. You can’t join my patrol until you can prove you can fight!”

“She cannot refuse us!” The girl stated in disbelief and anger.

At this Taglon let out a snort, “Her patrol, her decision on who she takes in, young lady Thul-mora Oldsurn.”

The girl’s tone was incredulous. “But if you do not take us, we fail our rite before it even starts!”

Adga gave the noble guard a nod of appreciation before turning her attention back to the two wide-eyed young lords. “Then prove to me you are combat capable.”

“I thought that is what we were here to do.” Rebklos whined.

“I can’t let you fight until you prove to me you are ready to do so,” Adga countered. “I don’t need or want your families mad at me. I’m not going to be responsible for the deaths of two unprepared noble-born dregs.”

“But… What can we do?… How can we join you?” Thul-mora stammered. At the same time, tears threatened to spill out of Rebklos’ eyes.

Adga had to fight very hard not to snicker at the two in front of her. Because she knew there was no chance she could keep the stern look on her face, she spun. With her back to them she spoke loudly while pointing to Rin and Vyrax, signaling them to get ready. “I’ll set up a challenge. If you give a good showing, I’ll give you a chance. If not… both of you will fully retrain under us and are nothing more than junior apprentice guards. No combat, no loot, and only junior apprentice pay until I say different…”

“Not fair!” Rebklos bellowed. “The Vylevin and Shunral born got combat spoils!”

“Because they came with me into the Crags and fought. The only thing I know about the two of you is what I’m seeing, which ain’t what I think I want in my patrol. I’m giving you a chance. Take it unless you wish to back out now.”

“We cannot!” Thul-mora shouted. “We would fail our rite and lose any chance of being accepted into our houses!”

“So you agree to my terms?”

“Yes!” both shouted out in desperation.

“Good. Fists only. Nuk, Tez, spar with these two. Challenge starts now!”

Rebklos’ head jerked “Huh?”

Next to him, Thul-mora’s jaw dropped open, “Now?”

Tez reacted first. He darted forward, grabbed the girl’s shield and yanked it forward and down with everything he had. She fell face first on the street. A piece of a front tooth bounced over the cobblestone. Blood poured out of a split lip. Her hand went to her mouth.

Tez pounced. He pushed her down as she tried to get up, then sat on the overloaded rucksack. His weight combined with what she was wearing and carrying made moving difficult and getting up impossible.

A muffled, “Get off!” came from behind her hand.

Tez grinned and flipped her hard on the ear, “Make me!”

“Ow! Rebklos, help!”

Nuk waited until Rebklos turned to support. He moved up behind the Dwarf and yanked hard on the fully laden pack. Rebklos yelped and fell straight back. The bulky backpack held him off the ground. His feet and arms flailed wildly. Nuk grinned, “Time to play a game of spin the noble Dwarf!”

Nuk grabbed Rebklos’ foot and spun him. As the boy’s legs came around, he grabbed and spun again. Rebklos howled in protest. If anything, this only encouraged Nuk to twirl him harder and faster. “Never heard of a Dwarf turtle before, but you sure spin like one, young Kandahar!”

“Stop! Stop!” Rebklos begged.

“Nope.” Nuk giggled as he got into a good rhythm of grabbing a foot and whipping it around on each pass. The speed of the spin increased. “Not until you say you quit or are WILLING to join as a junior apprentice like our patrol leader recommends!”

Adga watched the show for a few seconds. It was both very funny and extremely sad at the same time. She turned toward the real task at hand. Her shoulders slumped. She glared at Vyrax and Rin. Both were watching the tormenting of the nobles and laughing instead of going after the lookouts. Rin was down on his knees laughing so hard he was grabbing his gut. However, it only took a single step before Vyrax looked over and gulped.

She watched as Vyrax moved up to the loft complaining loudly, “Why is it my job to get the skimmers’ food?”

Adga smirked, “Cause yer not a noble and Rin is rolling on the ground laughing. I can’t have him going into a place where there is hay when he might accidently snicker some flames! Now get up top. Grab our mounts a couple of bags of feed and toss them down.”

“Anyone here?” He called out as he climbed the ladder. “Ain’t seeing no sacks of skimmer food!”

“Keep looking,” Adga called out. “I’ll go inside and find someone.” She moved slowly to the steps leading up to the inn. She cuffed Rin’s head on the way, only to get a big toothy grin.

She shook her head and stopped on the steps directly above where she knew the second lookout was. She turned to observe the plight of the two new additions to her patrol. The girl was hopelessly stuck under Tez. Her ears were bright red from being flipped repeatedly and she was crying. On the plus side she still struggled to get loose, so she hadn’t given up. The Dwarf had both hands over his mouth and looked close to blowing chunks. His pack was starting to spill items, since the friction of being spun on the cobblestone was eating holes into it.

She shook her head, “Worthless. Just my luck to get stuck with two noble-born I’ll need to babysit.” She tilted her head back and sighed. This allowed her to see Vyrax had his katana up to the neck of a young Elf in the loft. Satisfied, she took a deep breath. She pulled back the leather guards over the spikes on her gauntlet, took a knee, and punched straight down with everything she had. Her hand went right through the wood and into the back of an unprepared sentry. A gasp of pain let her know she had hurt him.

She would have done serious damage had the being not had on a chain shirt. However, this gave her something to grab. Her hand dug into the bronze links and yanked upwards. His body smacked into the underside of the steps. The head snapped back at the jerk. The back of his skull struck the wood. Adga both heard and felt the impact. Not satisfied, she drove him downward face first into the hard ground. She repeated the process three times. She shook the body. There was no resistance. She let go, looked up and smiled at the wide-eyed Bronze Dragonling bouncer. “You got yourself a big rat problem under the steps. Don’t worry. It’s taken care of.”

“Ya broke da sssssstep!” the burly figure growled.

Adga stood. Even two steps down she was almost a head taller than the Dragonling. She scratched her chin with the spikes on her gauntlet. Her other arm wiggled the shield menacingly. “Are we gunna have a problem or are you gunna drag the big rat out from under the step and hold him for me.”

The bouncer gulped and took a step back. “Me’ll get him fer ya, but ya put hole da sssstep!”

“Your boss should buy better timber…” Adga saw the bouncer frown so she bit back another sharp-witted remark. While fighting a few bar brawlers would be fun, she had no desire to deal with a hot spark spray of the Bronze Dragonling. More importantly, she didn’t have time for a good bar brawl. There was a robber den to clear before the Dead Strom hit. She shrugged as she came up with a quick compromise. “It felt like he had decent chain shirt. Take it and any weapons off him. They’re yours. Should pay for the damage. But he best be waiting for me when I get done. If he ain’t trussed up for me to take, or anyone inside sounds an alarm, I’m taking the bounty I’ve been promised out of your hide and pretty much everyone else in there.” She glared. “Got it?”

The bouncer nodded. “Me get it.”

“Good.” She spun away from the bronze-scaled guard, “Tez, Nuk, let ‘em up and have ‘em drop their stupid packs! Time for them to show us what, if anything, they have! Ven, time to get this party started.”

Ven darted over to where they were told the secret entrance was. A man who looked to be a beggar jumped up and tried to stop her. A knife left a bloody slice across her hand as she went for the torch holder.

Rin stopped snickering as Ven yelped in surprise and pain. He growled, moved up and grabbed the man’s hand.

The man’s reaction was extremely fast. A glint of sun on metal was the only warning the man had drawn a larger weapon with his other hand. Hip sword connected with metal armor with a clang.

Rin’s armor prevented a serious wound, but he still hissed in pain. He extended his claws into the held hand and spun him toward Vendra.

The guy’s mouth opened to shout. It was cut off before a sound could come out. The edge of Vendra’s shield slashed into his neck. His eyes bulged. The sword clattered to the ground. The suddenly free hand went up to his neck.

With claws still embedded into the arm, Rin spun him back toward the center of the street. Claws retracted as he let go. The rag-clad figure hit the ground with a hard metallic-sounding clang. This told everyone he had armor under the garb.

Adga snarled, “Tez, Nuk! Forget about the bounty. He’s too dangerous. Finish him!”

Four-pointed-bladed disks appeared out of thick-looking wristbands around Nuk’s wrists. It took only a flip of his wrists and jerks of his forearms to send them slicing through the air.

The first hit the man in the leg, the second in the shoulder just above his chain shirt. He let out a croaking gasp. The knife in his bloody hand spun through the air. It hit Nuk’s leg and stuck into the armor.

Nuk gritted his teeth as he yanked the blade out and tossed it back.

The man rolled away from the attack. His hand went down to a boot knife.

Even as two more bladed disks appeared in Nuk’s hands. Tez stepped up on him, pick hammer in hand. The pick side went straight down with a two-handed blow. The pick did its job. Chain links under the ragged shirt parted under the assault. Blood sprayed upwards from the man’s abdomen.

The robber jerked wildly while his hands went to the head of the weapon embedded into his gut. Two more bladed disks sliced into his legs.

Tez stomped down on the guy’s face. It took a few wiggles and a second stomp to get the pick out of the armor. Once free, he slammed it down into the guy’s chest.

Arms went out to the side and the body started twitching.

Adga gave a single satisfied nod and turned toward the stables. The hidden entrance was laid out just as she had been told. She bolted over and looked down. A Gnome Steel ladder dropped down deep. Below, a flickering light went out. Being an Illorc she was able to make out heat and movement over fifteen meters down. “They know we’re commin’! Let’s move!”

Vyrax pulled a vial from his cloak and tossed it down.

The heat Adga had been seeing vanished. Everything became dark black, telling her it had instantly gotten very cold below. An arctic chill blasted upwards into her face, verifying her supposition had been correct. It took her breath away.

She took a few steps back and took some deep breaths of warmer air and blinked, “Don’t drop any of those close to me!”

Vyrax grinned, “I can’t wait to be able to make more of those!” A second vial appeared from his cloak. He dropped it down the entry. As it shattered, the area below lit up in a golden glow. Below a trio of figures were down on all fours. The forms barely seemed capable of crawling.

Vyrax shot Adga a smirk. He jumped, grabbed the outside of the rails, and slid down fast. The moment he got down, he kicked one in the face, smashed the back of his katana into the head of another, and delivered a full-forced kick into the groin of the third. Adga watched as Vyrax sidestepped a swing from something metal. As the clumsy attack sent the smaller figure past him, Vyrax punched the side of the attacker’s head with his katana still clenched in it. The smaller form’s head bounced off a wall and the body crumpled into a heap.

He stomped down on yet another small form. Vyrax spun to the side as a blade appeared. Vyrax swung back with his katana. His voice reverberated up the ladder shaft. “A little help guys!”

Rin, bleeding lightly from the sword hit to his shoulder, grabbed the ladder. “On da way!” He found the rails coated in ice. He yelped in surprise as he slid most of the way but pushed off before he hit the bottom. Both feet landed on the whomever Vyrax had stomped on.

The voice of a deep-voiced female echoed up the shaft, “Entry is breached! Those in the passage buy us time! The rest fall back through the dining area and secure the doors!”

This was followed by a bright flash and boom. Dust blasted up the shaft cutting off much of what Adga could hear and see.

Ven ignored the billowing dust. She wiped her bloody hand on her cloak. With a whistle she grabbed the rails. “Razor! Hop on!”

Razor bounded over to her, wrapped its appendages around the girl’s shoulders and tucked itself down over her pack. As Ven slid, Razor hissed the whole way down. Below, a burst of flame, followed by a couple of unfamiliar voices and a snarl told Adga a major fight was underway.

Adga gritted her teeth. She wanted to be in the action, but also had to lead. She turned toward the street. Both new additions to her patrol were devoid of packs. Taglon held the one Rebklos had been wearing and had a foot on the other. He pushed the young nobles in her direction. Tez and Nuk looked over their shoulders motioning for them to follow.

“I’ll get them down!” Adga barked. “Go help the others!”

Nuk and Tez exchanged glances, then sprinted over to the ladder. Nuk pulled a Dwarven Steel dagger with a yellow-orange gem on the handle off his hip. He twisted the handle. The blade lit up brightly. He clenched it in his teeth and grabbed the ladder and started to climb down. His foot slipped off the rung. “Ice? What? How?”

“Grab the outside rails and slide!” Vendra shouted from below. Her voice was cut off by the echoing of metal on metal.

Nuk swallowed hard but did as he was told.

Tez looked down, shrugged, and jumped while rolling both his hands. He floated down just like the Slowfall potions allowed them to do from the ridgeline.

Adga spat at the thought of the taste of the Slowfall potion she used to duplicate what Tez had done with a quick casting. “Neat spell,” she snorted. “Maybe one of these decades I’ll get good enough to catch it…” She turned her attention back to the other two nobles.

Rebklos’ head rolled. A wobbly arm wiped bile off his mouth and side of his face. He toppled after a few steps, tried to stand, and fell. He got up to a knee. Vomit erupted from his mouth again, splattering his fancy boots and armored legs.

The girl dashed to his side, both ears bright red from being repeatedly flipped. The young noble helped Rebklos up to his feet. Her head turned away from the puke with a greenish tinge to her expression. Adga thought she was about to upchuck as well. It surprised her when it didn’t happen. Instead, the girl yanked Rebklos toward the opening while keeping her head turned well away.

“Come on!” Adga shouted. “Last chance to prove yourselves! Get moving!”

“They need a few. I’ll get ‘em down to you!” Taglon shouted, “GO!”

The royal guardsman gave Adga an overhand motion to get moving, then grabbed both nobles. She didn’t wait to see if they would join her. She grabbed one rail of the ladder with a gauntleted hand, tucked her shield in close and slid down on a single rail. The ice was already melting on the rails. Metal on metal caused a sparking screech the whole way down.

In general, our Authors’ only payment for their stories are the emails you send them. Comments, especially critiques, should be sent to: KyleAarons at CastleRoland dot Net.

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Beyond the Crags

By Kyle Aarons

In progress

Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18